Date: 20th October 2021 (08:15-17:00, Central European Time/CET)
Venue: Seminar room S104.016, Akershus University Hospital, Sykehusveien 25, 1478, Norway
Registration: Virtual attendance (via zoom with link for registration below) or physical attendance (registration at the end of this website, limited seats)
Programme: Download here
Organisers: Evandro Fei Fang (University of Oslo), Martin Vyhnálek (Charles University), Noel Buckley (University of Oxford), Janet Jianying Zhang (University of Oslo)
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common dementia affecting 35-50 million individuals worldwide. Although it was discovered over 110 years ago, there is still no cure for AD despite decades of enormous effort. The big challenges right now are 1) the necessity for the unveiling of more of the molecular mechanisms leading to the development of AD; 2) creation of easily accessible and affordable approaches to identify individuals with early AD to facilitate earlier intervention and treatment; 3) strategies or treatments to delay, slow down or prevent AD are urgently needed; and 4) the necessity for accellerating the development of effective anti-AD drugs or therapies using modern techniques (e.g., CRISPR-Cas9 and artificial intelligence/AI). After the success of the 1st NO-AD meeting (website here and recorded videos here) on the 25th Nov 2020, we are pleased to open the 2nd NO-AD meeting on the 20th Oct. 2021 to be jointly organized by The University of Olso (UiO, Norway) and Akershus University Hospital (Ahus, Norway), The University of Oxford (Oxford, UK), and Charles University (CU, Czech Republic).
This one-day hybrid meeting (physical attendance + Zoom) will provide updates on all these important topics with talks by leading experts in their fields. We are very pleased to have two keynote speakers, Prof. Nancy Ip (HKUST, Hong Kong) and Prof. Li-Huei Tsai (MIT, USA) to open and close this one-day talk, respectively. Other speakers will be Associate Professor Alejo J. Nevado-Holgado (Oxford, UK), Associate Professor Evandro F. Fang (UiO/Ahus, Norway), Prof. Noel Buckley (Oxford, UK), Professor Linda Hildegard Bergersen (UiO/Ahus, Norway), Dr. Katerina Cechova (Charles University, Czech Republic), Associate Professor Martin Vyhnálek (Charles University, Czech Republic), Professor Tormod Fladby (UiO/Ahus, Norway), Prof. Jan Laczó (Charles University, Czech Republic), Dr. Liu Shi (Oxford, UK), and Dr. Domenica Caponio (UiO/Ahus, Norway).
Zoom registration (not for physical attendance): https://uio.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_y-GlyJ9_SVO_l6BGc1YwYA
Physical attendance: If you want to attend physically, please register at the end of this page. Note, due to the COVID-19 control, we only can fit 36 seats in the meeting room. First register first serve. We will send you an email 1-2 weeks before the meeting whether there is a seat for you or not.
Registration (for physical attendance)