On 18-19 September 2023, the MitAD team co-organized the 1st Norway-UK joint meeting on aging and dementia in Oslo, hosted by Evandro F. Fang (the University of Oslo and Akershus University Hospital, Norway), Lynne Cox (University of Oxford, UK) and Richard Siow (King’s College London, UK). The meeting was opened by educational and political leaders of the two nations, including Prof. Per Morten Sandset (Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation of the University of Oslo), Clare Filshie (Deputy Head of Mission from the British Embassy in Oslo), and Øystein Lund (Counsellor for Research and Education from the Royal Norwegian Embassy in London). Assoc. Prof. Vyhnalek and Dr. Veverova presented their findings from the MitAD project entitled Alterations of human CSF and serum-based mitophagy biomarkers patients from Czech Brain Aging Study (CBAS). The meeting attracted over 40 experts and scholars from 13 countries, including China, Denmark, Greece, Japan, Norway, the United Kingdom, the United States, and others. They gathered to share the latest research findings on various aspects of global ageing and to engage in discussions and workshops on topics including mechanisms of human ageing (such as genetic risk factors, DNA damage and repair, mitophagy and autophagy, etc), connections between ageing processes and disease, and promoting a healthy ageing environment. including. Importantly, discussions included potential interventions to reduce biological ageing and translation of research findings into clinical application.
Assoc. Prof. Evandro F. Fang Prof. David Rubinsztein Dr. Katerina Veverova Panel discussion on aging and dementia Panel discussion on aging and dementia Dr. He-Ling Wang Assoc. Prof. Martin Vyhnalek